
Jul 11, 2012

How To Increase Adsense Revenue 2 ?

If you have been making some money as Google Adsense revenue from your website or blog, you should be aware of the fact that earning money with Google Adsense is not really that easy. In this article I’m not going to discuss how to generate revenue with Google Adsense ads on your site, but I will surely amaze you by showing how simple changes in ad placement, position, colors and size can literally double your Adsense revenue.
Adsense Tips
Adsense Tips

Three important facts about Adsense ad placement.

Less means more:

It has been proven that the very first ad being load on your web page will have the highest CPC (Cost Per Click) value. For example, if you are using all of three ad blocks (maximum allowed by Google), you are giving more options to visitors to click on ad, and when you use only single bigger ad block which consists only four ads, they are likely to pay you more for each click your visitors make.

Best performing size:

It has been also proved and also said by the Google that the big rectangle ad block is the best performing ad block ever, so it’s always better to go with less blocks and big one instead of using lots of small ad blocks.

You should really know where to put ad block:

If you look at your site statistics like Google analytics report, you will notice the bounce rate, those are the numbers of visitors who leaved your site before reading enough or even scrolling down your webpage to content below the viewing area of screen. Hence if you will put your ads below the fold (viewing area of your webpage in normal computer screen without scrolling down), you will loss those outbound visitors without seeing your ads. And if you will put the ad block above the fold, there are chances that your ad block can give a better option to your visitors to leave your site in search of better content.
Darren Rowse, the founder and editor of problogger has shared his own experience ondoubling the Adsense income on his blog using these tips. Read more about how few changes can double your income on his blog.